Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cool Creek Training

This story is dominating the news, heat has taken hold of the northeast, and taken hold of training. While Boru is settling into a fun little phase where he likes to ignore me and would rather eat bugs, acorns, and really anything else on the ground, I've been taking this heat as an opportunity to hit the water.

Boru's reaction to water has been so-so. The first couple times we've been down to the creek, he would stand on the bank and bark at me. Testing the water a little bit. I'd get him to swim, and we'd go home. He's been getting better, less barking, more wading, more excited retrieving, but it's been a slow ride.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Better Way to Track a Dead Deer?

Now, I know this is legal in some states, but there is now a bill in the my home state of Pennsylvania's House of Representatives that would make it legal to use deer to find downed deer. I can think of multiple instances of where this might have helped recover a deer that I or someone I've been hunting with has shot.

I think there are some other, bigger issues to tackle in Pennsylvania when it comes to hunting, but if I can train Boru to find my down deer and spend some more time in the woods with me, I'm all for it!

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Hunting dogs could be chasing deer in Pennsylvania, under specific circumstances, if the state legislature passes a bill that's gaining support in Harrisburg.